22 01, 2018

What is a secured debt?

By |2018-01-23T18:07:44+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: , |0 Comments

A secured debt is a term used to describe any debt that is ‘secured’ against an asset. The asset can be a property, car, furniture or any other physical item that the lender could repossess if you don’t keep up payments on the agreement. A mortgage is a good example of a secured debt; if [...]

22 01, 2018

What is an unsecured debt?

By |2018-01-23T18:07:34+00:00January 22nd, 2018|Categories: , |0 Comments

An unsecured debt is a term used to describe any debt that is not ‘secured’ against an asset. The asset can be a property, car, furniture or any other physical item that the lender could repossess if you don’t keep up payments on the agreement. A credit card is an example of an unsecured debt; [...]

13 01, 2018

Will you be able to lend me money to clear debts?

By |2018-01-23T18:08:23+00:00January 13th, 2018|Categories: , |0 Comments

Unfortunately not; we do not lend money. If you are struggling making payments on your existing debts, borrowing further money (no matter how tempting), may not be the best way of dealing with the problems. One of the options we discuss with you will be Debt Consolidation i.e. taking out one new loan to clear [...]

13 01, 2018

Do you only offer formal insolvency advice?

By |2018-01-23T18:09:11+00:00January 13th, 2018|Categories: , , , , |0 Comments

No. In fact, most of the people that call us for advice do not need a formal insolvency procedure. Before recommending any specific debt solution, we will help you consider all the options available to you. This will include providing you with self-help guidance and advice on informal debt solutions. As you would expect, in [...]

24 11, 2017

Do you offer a Free Consultation?

By |2018-02-18T19:21:54+00:00November 24th, 2017|Categories: , |0 Comments

Yes. We offer a Free Consultation in all cases. We will ask questions to help us understand your circumstances and provide you with a specific recommendation. Should you decide to move forward with any recommendation we have made, we will confirm any costs involved in writing, before accepting your instructions. In some cases, there will [...]